Tax issues come in a variety of dimensions and shapes. You could be facing issues with the federal tax system as well as state taxes or even sales taxes. Because the IRS continues to enhance its enforcement strategies, tax issues can lead to serious problems and penalties.
If you've received an email from the IRS or a state revenue agency stating that your business is going to be subject to audit, the first step is to seek expert assistance.
If you've been threatened with garnishing wages, you'll be able to get a solution in place before it's too far too late.
While tax issues may appear to be an end-of-the-world scenario, they do not necessarily have to be as difficult as you imagine. If you're in the middle of an audit or are aware that you have to pay penalties, we suggest following these steps:
Based on your current situation with regard to finances, it might be beneficial to do more than the first step. If you're able to pay the entire amount in full, go ahead. In the event that you are not, we would recommend creating the OIC and then establishing an installment plan that allows you to be paid off over time. Before you take any action, however, make sure to consult an expert.
We'd love to meet and discuss how you're taxed and ways you can safeguard your income as much as possible - legally, responsibly, and ethically.
If you'd like individualized assistance in navigating the sometimes confusing tax law post-coronavirus, do not hesitate to reach us as soon as you can.